Shoulder & Neck Pain

Shoulder & Neck Pain

Address Shoulder & Neck Pain With Our Chiropractic Services Located in O'Fallon, Illinois

Ease Your Neck & Shoulder Pain

Are you dealing with persistent shoulder and neck pain? You might think it will resolve itself or that it’s due to how you slept. Or perhaps you believe it’s a normal part of aging. However, if your neck and shoulder pain has no apparent cause and continues to persist, chiropractic treatment at Tri Force Chiropractic could be the solution you need!

Neck and shoulder pain are among the most common conditions we address at Tri Force Chiropractic. If your pain doesn't subside, reach out to us and schedule a FREE discovery call to explore potential treatments. We are a locally owned practice in O'Fallon, IL, and recognized as the top military-affiliated chiropractic office in the area, thanks to our close proximity to the local military base.

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7 Reasons Why Your Neck & Shoulder Pain Won't Go Away

  1. You thought the pain would eventually go away on its own, but it hasn't.
  2. You were prescribed rest and pain pills by your doctor, but once the pills wore off, the pain returned.
  3. You were told everyone gets neck and shoulder pain as they get older, so you simply accepted it.
  4. You sought help from other healthcare professionals, another physiotherapist, or a chiropractor, but nothing actually helped.
  5. You tried exercises you found on YouTube but they didn't help or even made the pain worse.
  6. You thought resting would help but it made you feel stiffer and tighter.
  7. You got a massage to fix the pain but it just made you feel relaxed temporarily.

Get Rid Of Your Neck & Shoulder Pain!

  1. First, make a decision to seek help. Don't procrastinate and assume the pain will go away on its own over time.
  2. Get to the root cause of the pain. One of the best things you can do to ease your neck or shoulder pain is a series of progressed exercises carefully selected by a specialist. The right exercises will help you to reduce your pain and move freely again while making sure the problems don't return or aggravate your pain further.
  3. Avoid long periods of rest. If you've woken up with neck pain or felt tightness in your shoulders after sitting all day, it's because one of the worst things you can do for your neck or shoulder pain sits with bad posture or sleep in an awkward position. Strengthening exercises for better posture and hands-on treatment can be combined to get you active and healthy again.
  4. Get real, customized sports therapy treatment from a professional. If your neck or shoulder pain is affecting your job, your ability to stay active, or getting in the way of your quality time, therapy and chiropractic treatment can get you back to living your life again.

Tri Force Chiropractic Can Help

  • We can alleviate your shoulder and neck pain, often in just two sessions.
  • We can investigate why you’re still in pain and why previous treatments haven’t resolved the issue.
  • We can identify and treat the root cause so your pain or injury is permanently resolved.
  • We can help you enjoy a pain-free night's sleep.
  • We can enable you to participate in sports and your favorite activities again.
  • We can ensure you can play catch and enjoy time with your children without suffering from back or shoulder pain.
  • We can reduce your need for frequent doctor's visits.
  • We can assist you in discontinuing medications, avoiding injections, and preventing the need for surgery.

Enhance your life with Tri Force Chiropractic. We employ five distinct techniques to aid our patients: Diversified, Thompson, Activator, Logan Basic, and Biostructural Correction, all aimed at helping you feel youthful and regain your confidence. Book your appointment today!

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